What is Pet Loss CounselingGrief is grief, yes- but each grief is unique. The loss of a beloved pet can strike at the very core of our being due to the nature of the bond. If you are mourning the loss of a beloved pet through death or other means you may be overwhelmed with difficult emotions right now. In many ways, our hearts really don’t know the difference between the love for an animal and the love for a human. And because of the unique unconditional love experienced in the human-animal bond, we may find ourselves surprised at the depth and intensity of our grief feelings. Why is it so hard? Our pets are members of our families, and as such, distinct roles and attachments are created, no differently than with human family members and often much closer. Our bond with our pets has a purity not found in our human relationships. Our pets don't judge us nor do they hold grudges against us. They pursue us and want to be with us and give us a sense of purpose as they innocently depend on us to provide for their needs. The void left in our hearts and homes when they are gone is real and takes time to adjust to on many levels. It is important, however painful, to allow yourself to experience over time, the full range of emotions that accompany the loss of your dear pet for as long as it takes you to work through your loss. Pet loss support is a safe and caring place for you to do this healing grief work, individually or in the Beyond Words Grief Group which is held on demand. |
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Our feelings of grief can be further intensified by the circumstances surrounding our pet’s death, as well as the insensitivity of well meaning others who may not understand that bond. The pet loss experience and grieving is further complicated as the bereft pet owner often experiences isolation, self-doubt and confusion about their emotional reaction. Your grief is not a sign of weakness but rather the excruciating pain that accompanies the loss of someone very near and dear to you. It is my sincere desire to help you through this very difficult time. A Storm Called Grief:
Pet loss support counseling seeks to validate and normalize the unique significance and profound meaning our pets bring to our lives and to help you process your grief in a safe and understanding environment. We come to realize, we don’t grieve just their absence – we grieve all the spaces they filled in our lives. We don’t get over it but through it – Restore Counseling offers individual counseling and group counseling for pet loss grief. Please feel free to contact Sue Mocniak for information about scheduling. I am here to help.
Call: 614-354-6962 or email at: mailto:[email protected] If your friend or loved one is grieving the loss of a pet and you don't know how to help them, here are some tips to show you care:
"It's just a dog, cat..." "You can come pet my dog, cat..." "Are you still not over that?" "God needed another angel." "He / she was old and ready to die anyway." "You are overreacting." "You need to be strong." |